The 12 Days of Books #7 – RESULTS
- Posted by Liz Gooster
- 12 Days of Books, goals, positive psychology, productivity, RESULTS, Saiyyidah Zaidi
If you’re anything like me, ticking things off a to do list is one of the most satisfying parts of the day. But am I doing the right things, the things that will be most effective in getting me the meaningful results I want, the ones that will truly help me flourish? A lot of the time, probably not. That’s where Saiyyidah Zaidi’s brilliant book comes in. Drawing on her deep knowledge of project management, positive psychology and coaching, Saiyyidah has designed RESULTS, a comprehensive framework and toolkit that she generously shares with her readers. In the interests of transparency, Saiyyidah is a good friend and colleague of mine. So I know first-hand just how good she is!
If you want RESULTS, start with your intention
Full of wise, practical advice, RESULTS starts with helping you to set a clear intention, so you can spend your time working on what’s important to you. It then shows you how to formulate clear plans of action to help you achieve it. This is one of the things I love about the book: it’s pragmatic and grounded in life as we all know it, rather than taking a beautifully neat but idealised, ‘never going to happen’ approach. Fully backed by her impressive knowledge, reading and research, RESULTS incorporates the seven distinct stages of Reach, Evolve, Select, Utilize, Lead, Thrive and Succeed and these form the backbone of the book. The result (sorry!) is reassuringly comprehensive.
Words of wisdom
As well as an impressive depth of coverage, Saiyyidah has a wonderful mastery of the bold one liner. You will no doubt gather your own trusty collection of punchy, easy-to-remember guidelines as you read. Some of my own favourites include:
- ‘Living with integrity is a lifestyle choice.’
- ‘We will overestimate what we can do in a year and underestimate what we can do in ten.’
- ‘Procrastination is not a time management problem; it is a self-regulation problem and awareness can help.’
- ‘You are seeking progress, not perfection.’
- ‘It’s about capacity not capability.’
- ‘It’s your daily actions and convictions that enable you to become the person you want to be’
- ‘You are the most important project you will ever undertake’
- ‘Just because you are good at something doesn’t mean you need to do it.’
- ‘One of the biggest challenges that human beings face aside from external oppression is the oppression we commit against ourselves by not learning to accept or fully love ourselves.’
Don’t settle for less than the results we want
Evidence-based and sprinkled with real human stories, this is a book to savour as well as implement. In the very first chapter, Saiyyidah tells a story (featuring trainers!) about explaining what ‘settling’ means to her son:
“Settling is when you accept something that you don’t really want because you can’t have what you do want. There are times in life when you may want to settle, but if something is really important to you then please, honey, do not settle”.
As well as the foundational RESULTS framework, Saiyyidah shares her GPS (Goal Positioning System), her Project3x3 and her Monthly Moves, among others. Intrigued? If you want a how-to book on achieving the success you want that is grounded in the science of psychology, the rigour of project management and the humanity of coaching – a book that has true grit and soul – don’t settle for less than RESULTS.
Other posts in the series
- 12 Days of Books overview
- FT Guide to Business Coaching, 2e
- Why I’m no longer talking to white people about race
- Flourish
- Self-compassion
- What doesn’t kill us

I like to describe myself as happily ‘At Large’ in an independent portfolio career, balancing coaching, leadership development, coach training and being a mum to my young daughter. Positive psychology is a big influence on my work and I’ve recently gained an MSc in Applied Positive Psychology & Coaching Psychology from the University of East London. My interests include reading, writing, travel, yoga, Zumba, coffee and wine! Connect with me on LinkedIn and sign up for my newsletter, Positive Intentions.